Hg Retina CAPDB: Leveraging Data & AI to Optimize Sales & Marketing Efficiency
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Tim Harrison

Retina is Hg's suite of AI products and services, now used by over 20 Hg portfolio companies, enabling rapid access to the value data & AI can bring without the need for complex or lengthy investment in AI.

Retina CaPDB (Customer & Prospect Database) is used by our companies CROs, CMOs and Sales leadership, centralising Hg's prospect pool and intelligence across our 50+ companies, leveraging 80+ data signals across 30m+ companies with Gen AI to enrich and prioritise your prospect data at scale. Retina CaPDB enables us to rapidly unlock new pipeline by finding high priority lookalikes, better target sales opportunities with account grading to increase win rates, and leverage insights to craft more targeted go-to-market strategies.  

In this session, Tim Harrison, Hg Associate Director in the AI & Data Team, we will give an overview of the CaPDB capability and share real examples and impact driven at Hg portfolio companies covering (i) propensity scoring, (ii) new prospect / look-alike generation and (iii) strategic territory planning exercises.